Greetings! I'm so happy that several people have checked out my blog today! I have lots of stuff i'm working on, but I need my computer genius brother to help me get the tabs and links working. I hope to get a recipe and product review up soon. Is there anything in particular that you would like a review on? If you click on the tab above that says "favorite gear" you will notice that I am a gadget and gear junkie.
Today was an encouraging day in many ways. I had a longer lunch break so I decided to go for a run. With the heat index near 100 degrees I decided to run on the deadmill at the YMCA. I had a great run and even managed to muster out some sprints on the treadmill. I didn't have any pain in my leg or back at all and it's just amazing how the body can heal itself. I was petty winded and had to walk off and on but overall I kept my cadence up (fast feet) and worked on great form. I was finishing up my workout and running all out for 30 seconds -1 minute then resting and doing it again several times. The gentleman next to me asked me if I did the "ironrun" this weekend. I was flattered that he thought I could even be capable of such a task. I told him no, but was considering it for next year. He was very encouraging and uplifting. After my run I went to the mat to stretch extra good. I was doing some yoga poses because they feel good and help me refocus. A random lady came over and asked me when I taught yoga classes and how she's been wanting to try it out. Again, I was flattered and humored at the same time. I am the last person that should teach yoga for many reasons!! I offered her my yoga class suggestions and off I went to search for food. After running for an hour you're pretty picky about what you put back into your system.
After work I met up with my Team In Training group for dinner. If you're not familiar with Team In Training (TNT) they're an awesome group that raises money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This is my first season with them and it's been good. I'm going to be racing the Tri for Sight in a couple of weeks in Lexington, KY with them. Anyways, the highlight of the night was sitting across from pro triathlete Thomas Gerlach!! He raced Ironman Louisville this weekend and took the second place win only 16 seconds behind the winner Chris "Big Sexy" McDonald. Thomas's overall time was 8:41:07- for 140.6 miles in 100 degree heat. WoW!! It was so cool to talk to him see the triathlon world through his eyes. It was a great evening up until the kitchen at the restaurant caught on fire!! Most of us got our order but Thomas and one of our coaches didn't. They had to close the kitchen down and was only serving greasy pizza for the next few hours. Did I mention in a previous post that crazy stuff happens when i'm nearby??
I was so tempted to register tonight for next year's IM race, but my checkbook won't support a race entry this week so I have to wait. Several friends are already registered and I'm just trying to play it safe since the cost today will be the same 4 days before the race. I'm waiting for someone to say to me "If everyone was jumping off a bridge would you jump too?" I would reply something along the lines of "Heck NO!! There's water under a bridge.... oh wait, I can swim now!! YES! I would jump and yell cannonball at the top of my lungs!" YOLO & LETS DO THIS!!! I would LOVE to have your support and encouragement along this journey.
What is your favorite snack? I love fruit but I hate cutting up melons and kiwi.
Do you like gadgets when you workout or prefer not knowing? Both. I love the data but sometimes I like to just go by feel.
I am NOT a techie at all. In fact it kind of annoys me that I even have to have a watch. But there's no way to train for the long races without knowing how far or at least how long you've been going.