Monday, August 24, 2015

Flatulent feet and missing toes

For a Monday today wasn't bad at all and I was somewhat surprised when I left work. Since I was a zombie and missed my long run Saturday morning I decided to get back to my running schedule. Ok, I don't really have a schedule other than run at least 3 times a week and one of those a long run and try to add a soft turf or trail run in if I can. Today I wanted to try out my new shoes and enjoy a few miles. 
I wore my new Balega ultra thin socks Nathan bought me at the Derby Mini Expo (yes I know that was back in April)  and I was excited to try out my new Brooks Transcend 2 shoes. 

I went to 4 local stores trying to find these shoes in this color that I wanted. I do go for comfort and fit first but the show must look good to me or I will not buy it. Simple. Sam at Pacers and Racers told me they didn't even carry this shoe because it wasn't as great as others were saying and it really didn't work for so many people that they just quit ordering. After no luck at other stores  I finally just ordered them online. I have a love them or return them guarantee thankfully! 

Todays run started out like the others, but I noticed right away my shoes just didn't fit as well as my Glycerins. With every step my feet farted!! Now it wasn't like the loud ones or the silent and deadly ones, but more like the fart you tried to hold in but it escaped out of your undies or whatever is covering your bottom. Yep! The type you spend a few moments hoping it wasn't a shart. Well, my shoes kept doing that and after about a mile or so it almost felt like I had a wet shoe on. 

The other issue I had was my right ring and pinky toes kept going numb. I couldn't feel them for most of my walk (forget running today). The colors are neat and the cushioning is amazing. That's it and certainly not $$$ worthy even though these were more supportive shoes my right ankle rolled inwards way too much and that was making my tibia ache terribly. After all the injuries I've had and recovered from I'm very attuned to my body. These are definitely a no go. The socks were ok but I'll use them for cycling and other activities. I'm going back to my tried and true Glycerins with thicker Balega socks and my super feet inserts. Why change what's working?? I should have just bought a new pair of my usual shoes because the ones I've been running in are almost six months past their expiration date and I can really feel it. 

Things didn't go as planned today, but it's okay. I will do something else and I feel better knowing that some changes aren't meant to happen right now. 

What's your go to running/walking shoe?

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