Hold on!! Don't panic!! I am NOT pulling the plug on this blog. Actually it would require a lot more to delete than just pulling a plug, and I don't have any plugs on this computer to pull at the moment. The TV show "The Green Arrow" is playing right now on Netflix. One of the lines the Arrow commonly uses when he apprehends the bad person is "_______, you have failed this city." As I was watching this show and browsing online it occurred to me that I have my own personal website, and I can't remember the last time I posted to it. Yea, I know. I will post like crazy...then nothing for a month or two...or five. It's been less than a month this time so I'm getting better.
Over the last month a few great things have happened.
*We now have another hygienist at work, so that takes a lot of pressure off of me. It was so hard and stressful being the ONLY hygienist in a VERY VERY busy practice. This is the gal I hand picked and she's wonderful! Not only did I get some help, I got a small raise and some nice compliments that made me feel good.
*I went trail running in Cherokee Park and loved it! I didn't get lost, fall down and tear or break anything (I didn't even fall this time), abducted, or bored. I've been wanting to go trail running again for awhile but I didn't have anyone to go with and I was too afraid to go alone. However, last weekend I went alone and still enjoyed myself. The way the park is set up the trails are fairly short and there's a main loop around the park so you're always around others and you can see where you're going so you don't really get lost (the trail I was on was like that). I won't go somewhere with longer trails where I can get lost, unless i'm with a friend or two. I also tried out my Nathan Race Intensity hydration pack. It works GREAT and doesn't slosh or bounce around! I like having my hands free to climb and whatever when on trails. It offers nice storage, but not a lot like some other packs. For what I do the smaller size is great and I can carry what I need. If I was running through the mountains that would be a different story.
*I'm still trying to finalize my race schedule for next year. There's so many races I want to do but I have to be realistic in my abilities and finances (travel expenses add up quickly). I'm still trying to decide about a half Ironman. I missed the Ohio registration because that one sold out fast, but I was looking at Muncie because I feel like I have unfinished business there, and Augusta. I will admit the main reason Augusta is on my board is because the swim is a point to point swim WITH the current and wetsuit legal. Perfect! Also, their logo is a giant peach. Yes, I will admit to wanting to do race that offers cool swag and bragging rights. Nathan and I are registered for the Flying Pig half marathon in May. I'm not staying in Cinci and running those hills just for the fun of it!!! I want the awesome swine swag! Check out the page tab above to see upcoming races for 2016...maybe it will help you plan your season. I'm NOT doing all the races I have listed, but just a plan where I have options and can pick and choose. Some I will pre register for, but others I may register as the time draws near.
*I was able to celebrate with my tri peeps over the weekend. I don't get to see all my tri peeps (Alex, Alexis, Rennay, Ruth, and Beth I miss you gals) as often as I would like, but it's so wonderful when we get together! We had A LOT of things to celebrate this weekend.
*Nathan and I have been down to one vehicle for a month, but hopefully the electrical problem in his BMW will be fixed. We are going to get rid of that lemon as soon as we can because enough is enough. Somehow Nathan and I haven't strangled each other yet. I wasn't able to go run much because I had to find a ride home everyday and didn't want to make someone wait on me. So, I am out of routine and must get back into that.
*I got two rejection emails this month from a couple of brands I applied to for their team. It really did hurt my feelings especially when I thought I had a great chance with Coeur. I wasn't surprised at Betty Designs rejecting me because this was the second time I applied and not only do you need to be a certain physique (yea they don't say that but I'd like to see a woman with curves pictured in their ads) and cyber popular. Sorry, but my 3-4 blog followers wasn't enough for them and I don't Tweet,Instagram, FB, Snapchat, and whatever else you do with social media all day long. I did get a couple of nice coupons to use online for gear though. :) I will reapply next year.
* TODAY I got an email from Honey Stinger saying i'm on their team and welcome to the hive!!! I was super surprised and excited to get that email! WooHoo! It gave me a much needed boost of confidence and energy. You will have to pardon the hashtags and food posts on Facebook.
This is just a few of the great things that's happened since my last post. I will try to do better and keep this more up to date. Thank you for your forgiveness and still being a loyal reader!
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