Monday, August 25, 2014

The "Witching" Hour

     Ironman Louisville weekend has concluded. For those of you who are not familiar with an Ironman, it is the beast of the triathlon world. You swim 2.4 miles in the Ohio River, bike 112 miles through hilly horse country, then top it off with a (full marathon) 26.2 mile run all in 17 hours. I know people always ask first "why would anyone want to do that let alone pay lots of money to punish yourself"?
I can't explain why and I can't figure out what draws me to this like a bug to a zapper...nice analogy huh?
I was doing  the same thing last night as I was one year ago and that was watching the live feed from Fourth Street Live on my laptop. I'm so inspired by these amazing athletes and yesterday was almost 100 degrees so it was brutal out there on top of a tough course. 
     The last hour of the race is know as "the witching hour" but honestly this is my favorite time to watch and these athletes inspire me the most. These people have been out on the course since 7am (actually 4 or 5am prepping) and they've been going strong for almost 17 hours. At 11:30 pm last night there was still over 100 people out on the course. Some runners looked like the walking dead while others did the "pimp walk". That didn't matter because they had a mindset and kept moving forward. You MUST cross that finish line before 12:00:00 because when the clock strikes midnight the party is over...well they turn off the loud music but the crowd is still there cheering and perhaps even louder than before until that last person crosses the line. People were running in with only seconds to spare while some crossed 5 minutes after the cutoff.

 This is a photo from the finish line last year. They changed the color of the runner to red and black this year. This year it was packed down there!! I get chills looking at this picture. The Ironman Louisville race is scheduled for October 11th next year so the temperature may be more favorable for racing, but i'm sure October will have it's own struggles as well as August. I don't care what time of the year you race 140.6 miles is a LONG HAUL.

Am I registering for next year?  Good question. I've learned a few hard lessons this racing season so I will play it safe. I am going to start training for this, but I will hold off on giving them my money until much closer to time. If the race sells out I will know it wasn't meant to be.  A couple of my friends have already pulled the trigger and registered. BOOM!!

The bike and marathon scares me some because I haven't ran 26.2 miles (yet) or biked that far with lots of hills but you train for it and learn to adapt as you become stronger. It's called an Ironman for a reason. However, the 2.4 miles of swimming terrifies me. It will likely be wetsuit legal so being able to wear a wetsuit in the river will help give me peace of mind and help me swim faster. You can't sink in one of those, but I still have to brave the open water and 2,500 of my friends zipping along. Below are a couple of photos from the swim start. I feel nauseous just looking at them so I have a long way to go.

What is the craziest thing that you have done or would like to do??  Ironman Louisville 2015
What is your biggest fear? Open water swimming, spiders, and wet hairballs. 

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